Organic Shingles Vs Fiberglass Shingles


By Dymon Brady

America is going through an organic revolution right now.  People are becoming more and more interested in all-natural products.  But did you know that organic shingles have been around for centuries?

Organic shingles are simply a basic, pure asphalt shingle.  These shingles were around before ‘organic’ became an attractive thing to do in terms of personal health and environment preservation.  They are a more traditional asphalt shingle than the fiberglass and asphalt composite shingles typically installed today.  They consist of a felt paper soaked in asphalt and then covered in asphalt granules.   They used to be a high end shingle, ranging from all levels of durability.  Now they have decreased significantly in quality.Fiberglass shingles are much more popular today.  These shingles are a mixture of fiberglass and asphalt.  Though the fiberglass greatly improves the durability of these shingles, the asphalt is vital, as well.  If there is not enough asphalt, the shingles will dry out and crack.Though organic shingles may seem like a good, environmentally friendly option, they have a tendency to lose their granules easily and start curing prematurely.  Because almost all roofing manufacturers have chosen to exclusively make fiberglass shingles, high quality organic shingles are also hard to find in our area.  The ones that are available can manifest signs of failing after only a few years.In fact, they are so uncommon that some roofing contractors have tried importing them from a Canadian manufacturer. They were claiming that because these ‘high end organic shingles’ are installed in Canada, they were essentially a ‘super shingle’.  A local contractor in Salt Lake City was even able to sell a basic organic shingle for a high end price to unsuspecting customers years ago.  The hidden catch was the warranty life of this “superior” shingle was 12 years less than the composite (asphalt and fiberglass mix) shingles available in this market.

Some people are interest in organic shingles because they are made of natural materials.  If you are looking at organic shingles because you believe they are environmentally friendly, rest assured that fiberglass is actually better on the environment and easier to recycle.

Also, there may be a city roofing recycling program in your area.  In some cities there are recycling programs that allow you to separate shingles from flashings and metal accessories in order to reuse the materials.  This has not been a financially feasible option in Utah, but it may be available in your area.

Another thing you can do is find an energy star rated roofing material and save on heating and cooling costs by installing an energy efficient roof.Most roofing contractors agree that a composite asphalt /  fiberglass shingle is the way to go if you are looking for a quality, long lasting roof.  You can rest easy by asking your contractor exactly what is in your shingles.  A shingle with a good balance of fiberglass and asphalt will


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