High Humidity in the Home

By Dymon BradyDid you know it is possible for your home to form a "leak" from the inside?  People with constantly running humidifiers, indoor swimming pools, or other factors that raise humidity in the home, may inadvertently cause condensation to form in the attic or ceiling.  This has the same effect as a pot of water with the lid on.  Water will evaporate up, hit a barrier, form water droplets, and mimick a roofing leak.Now, granted, this is an issue that not many people in Utah have.  However, that is what makes it so difficult to diagnose.  Here are some signs you can look for if you suspect that the humidity levels in your home are too high:signs of high humidtyIf you see any signs of moisture or mold in your attic, call us and we will give you a free inspection!  801-487-5151.Also, read our past post:  Is My Roof Leaking?  Or is it High Humidity?


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